Sticking Points

Both personal and impersonal Points Of View are just that: points of view. Sticking excessively to either one of them is ‘becoming stuck’.
Within a given context – and depending if we are stuck in the personal perspective or in the impersonal one – highlighting the opposite perspective might provide viable pointers towards ‘unstuck’ – neutral. Neutral is good!
It appears that (generally speaking) most people are stuck in the personal – most of the time. That’s why most ‘pointers’ emphasize the impersonal.
The Non-duality scene seems to have a different distribution of ‘stuckness’ than other populations: there is a larger than normal proportion of those who are stuck in the impersonal, as well as an increasing number of those who appear to be unstuck.
But then stickiness really is more organic than that. Most of us seem to get stuck once in a while. In fact, our personal stories appear to be nothing but a succession of being stuck and getting unstuck in our unique ways. And freedom is a slippery affair!
In reality nothing ever sticks. To the extent that they appear to exist – association and dissociation, personal and impersonal, relative and absolute, evolution and involution – all pairs of opposites just naturally flow as ONE, whilst appearing as the many.
Out of context there isn’t really much point to any point of view. But then, we love to make a point anyway… And pretend it is THE point. Get my point?

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